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0800 048 5804

Open today: 9am until 8pm

Book in your free consultation with a member of our Information Team

A member of our Information Team will be able to explain more about the products that could be available and answer any initial questions you have. Choose a time and day that best suits you for a free, no-obligation call by clicking the button below.

What to expect

To ensure that you have an understanding of how our service can support you, the Information Team will ask you a series of questions about your property and your individual circumstances.

Your conversation with the Information Team will take approximately 15 minutes. To feel comfortable and prepared for the discussion, you can expect to be asked some of the following:

  • What type of property do you have?
  • Do you have an outstanding mortgage?
  • Who lives at the property?

Why schedule a call?

We understand that you will want to weigh up your options carefully and take your time to collect the information you need to make an informed decision. The UK-based Information Team are on hand to help you achieve this and assist you with your enquiry over the course of a short phone call.